Gebrüder Weiss Annual Report double awarded
The Gebrüder Weiss Annual Report 2015 was awarded with the Red Dot Award 2016 on 4 November. The prestigious design prize was awarded in Konzerthaus Berlin.
“In 52 stories we tell about what especially moved the company and the logistics industry in the past year. It is a special recognition for all participants that this new concept is well received,“ says Frank Haas,
Head of Corporate Brand Strategy & Communication. The Red Dot Award honours the world’s most creative campaigns, concepts and marketing strategies. Altogether 7,838 companies from 46 countries took part.
German Design Award 2016
Already in October the Gebrüder Weiss Annual Report won the German Design Award in the category ‚Excellent Communications Design Books‘. The jury quoted: “As a global logistics company
Gebrüder Weiss has something to tell about in the Annual Report and reports credibly and closely about projects, places and people.”