Časopis Industrija - nastavljamo dalje!

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Dragi prijatelji časopisa i portala Industrija, 

želimo da Vas obavestimo da je u toku priprema časopisa Industrija broj 85. koji će izaći 25. juna iz štampe.

Zbog vanrednog stanja u Srbiji, ali i širom sveta, povodom aktuelnog virusa korona, nismo bili u mogućnosti da objavimo redovno izdanje koje je trebalo da bude u aprilu 2020.

Zbog toga, ove godine, neće biti šest štampanih izdanja, kao što je uobičajeno. 

Očekujemo sve da nam se pridružite već u junskom izdanju, kako bi zajedno pokazali da smo posle ovakvih izazova zajedno još snažniji i spremni za nove pobede. 

Vaš siguran partner - časopis Industrija.

Dear friends of magazine and web portal "Industrija",

We would like to inform you that the preparation of Magazine "Industrija" No. 85 is in progress. It will be released on june 25th.

Due to the state of emergency in Serbia, as well as around the world, due to the current virus Covid 19, we were unable to publish the regular edition, which was supposed to be in april 2020. 

Therefore, this year, there will not be six print editions, as is usual.

We expect you all to join us already in the june issue, to show together that after these challenges, we are even stronger and ready for new victories.

Your reliable business partner - magazine "Industrija".

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